Who can Enter

The competition is open to all employees of the registered companies. All employees PAN India can register for the contest

Eligibilty & Submission Criteria

All entries must be submitted via the online portal, i.e www.corporatephotographycontest.com

All information detailing how to enter this competition forms part of these terms and conditions. It is a condition of entry that all rules are accepted as final and that the competitor agrees to abide by these rules. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Submission of an entry will be taken to mean acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Photo Submissions must not contain obscenity, explicit sexual material, nudity, profanity, graphic violence, calls or incitement to violence, commercial solicitation or commercial promotion. Submissions also must not contain content or images that could be considered abusive, inflammatory, denigrating, or disrespectful to the to groups, individuals or institutions.

Submissions be not be subject to any restrictions as to use, publication, reproduction, duplication, copying or in any way; or infringe or interfere with any rights of any third party, or infringe any applicable laws; must not contain, indicate, suggest or refer to any material, content or information, including but not limited to logos, caricatures, slogans, sketches, designs or other graphics or any other material which, directly or indirectly solicits on behalf of, advertises, promotes, supports or otherwise refers to any good, service or entity, towards achieving any benefit or consideration for such good, service or entity; not contain, indicate, suggest or refer to any material, content or information, including but not limited to logos, caricatures, slogans, sketches, designs or other graphics or any other material which are or are likely to infringe upon any rights under applicable laws (including, but not limited to copyright, trademark, design or contract) of any third party. Organisers reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, disqualify any entry that it considers offensive, inappropriate, objectionable or likely to infringe any rights of any third party under applicable laws. Incomplete, indecipherable or illegible entries will be deemed invalid. Submission should be in .jpg or jpeg format and no larger than (10) megabyte (MB) file size. 

Images with frames or borders are not allowed.

A participant can upload upto maximum total of 5 photographs overall in any of the listed categories.

HDR images (High Dynamic Range) - are not allowed. 

Watermarks not allowed.

All images submitted must be the work of the individual submitting them and must not have been published elsewhere or have won a prize in any other photographic competition. It is the responsibility ofeach entrant to ensure that any images they submit have been taken with the permission of the subject and do not infringe the copyright of any third party or any laws. Entrants must warrant that the photograph they are submitting is their own work.
Photos or still images extracted from any video tape or source, film or motion capturing device are not accepted.
Images that do not meet this standard can still be judged, but may not be honored as a finalist in the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide the proper resolution when asked.
Entries must not be sent through agencies or third parties. The administration reserves the right to delete any entered photo that does not meet the above guidelines.

AI Generated pictures are not qualified for this contest.

On selection of the pictures, participant will be asked to submit the high-resolution pictures with Exif data.


Judging Standards

Originality: You must have taken this photo. Is your photo original, fresh or inventive?

Creativity : How imaginative is your photo? A creative photo breaks from traditional methods of presenting ideas and messages. For example, you could take the photo from an unexpected angle or focus on a detail that is usually ignored. Avoid simple snapshots of groups of people or buildings.

Photo Quality : Is your photo aesthetically pleasing? A high-quality photo is well composed and has a clear focal point. It should not be blurry, too dark or too light. Remember, you don't need to be a professional photographer to take a high-quality photo!

Retouching of Photos :The submitted contest photograph cannot be significantly retouched: nothing in the photographs (people, animals, scenery, objects, etc.) may be altered, removed, augmented or rearranged. Cropping is permitted, blur , saturation , vibrance of parts of the image. Post processed in Adobe Lightroom is allowed.